
Get creative and feel good!
The Arts Cafe is a group of people who meet in Wakefield and Pontefract.
We aim to provide a relaxed social setting for service users, family and friends to enjoy a host of creative activities in a safe, supportive environment. We share our creative skills and talents and sometimes we are by joined by special guests - artists who run workshops for us and groups from the local community with a project to share.
At the Arts Cafe we believe that being creative makes us feel better. The use of creative activities in health care has been shown to increase self-esteem, provide a sense of purpose, develop social skills, build strong community links and improve quality of life.
Due to coronavirus restrictions we are not meeting at the moment but we look forward to resuming our creative activities soon!
It's now 18 weeks since the world changed and Carrie reflects on the impact of not being able to work, missing her family and the power of a good cry.