Online Museum

Any idea what this is? Help us find out.

Clue: used in a Victorian chemist's

Clue: vital in the days before 999

Clue: payment?

Clue: it's a badge

Clue: this is very important in our lives right now
Research with us
Community groups in Wakefield and Pontefract have been taking part in 'Empowering Heritage', a project run by the Mental Health Museum at Fieldhead Hospital in Wakefield.
The Online Museum was suggested by project participants who have been researching objects in the museum collection. They decided to carry on the research during the lockdown. If you'd like to join in, it's easy, just click here for all the information you need to take part.
Let's see what you can find out about the three objects below. A clue: they are all connected with the history of the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum.
We'll be adding more objects as time goes on.

Clue: Mary Frances Heaton

Clue: warmth on a cold night
Stumped? Click here to find out what we know about these objects - so far...
It's now 18 weeks since the world changed and Carrie reflects on the impact of not being able to work, missing her family and the power of a good cry.