The Virus Times
The Virus Times is the newsletter of the 'Empowering Heritage Project', run by the Mental Health Museum at Fieldhead, Wakefield.
Arts Café members are working with the MHM to collect stories of every day life during the lockdown and share them in the newsletter. Together we will build up an archive of our experiences during this very unusual time. Read the latest issue by clicking on the newsletter icon below (if you have any problems with opening the newsletter, email us here and we'll send you a copy).
You are very welcome to send us an item for the newsletter. You can follow our topics or suggest a new one.
To send your contribution or for more information about taking part, contact Maria at the Mental Health Museum by email maria.ineson@swyt.nhs.uk or on 07464 655 411

It's now 18 weeks since the world changed and Carrie reflects on the impact of not being able to work, missing her family and the power of a good cry.